Auctioning a Unit

Granting manager access to a unit and declaring an auction winner.

Note: For this process to work correctly, make sure that you leave the original tenant in the PMS after the auction sale, the unit should not be vacated in PMS until the Auction winner has cleared the contents and/or the timeframe for doing so has expired.
The only reason the auction winner can have access to this unit is that the Nokē Smart Entry system is reading the delinquent/auctioned status from the PMS.

Once the unit is vacated in the PMS, we remove all assigned users, assume the unit is ready to rent again and restore manager access to the available unit.

The Overlock state is assigned from your property management software (PMS). 

Note: You might need a manager to assign the Manage Auctions permissions to your role, depending on how your company handles roles and permissions. For more information, click here: Accessing Occupied Units Overview

To Assign Employee Access to a Unit from the Web Portal,
  1. Log in to the Web Portal and click the Units tab.
  2. From the Units page, find the unit (in Overlock status) that needs to be assigned. 
  3. Click on the unit that you want to give access to.
  4. From the Unit Details page, click Auction Unit.
  5. From the Auction Unit form, click Allow Employee Access.
  6. Click the Employee drop-down list and select the user who prepares the unit for auction.
  7. Click the Expiration Type drop-down list and select Date or Unlock Count.
  8. Set the Unlock Count or Date of Expiration.
  9. Click Submit to save.

The employee is now assigned access to the unit. A * unlock remaining until auction access expires note or time count remaining until auction access expires note is displayed.

Repeat these steps for all units you want to prepare for the auction.

Once the assigned employee opens the unit, the unit state automatically updates to Pending Auction and stays in this state until the tenant pays her bill or an auction buyer is assigned. During this period neither the tenant, the shared users, nor the managers have access to the unit.

    Note: For assigned employee access to work correctly, the permission Open Repossessed Units must be removed from the assigned user’s role type.

    To Assign an Auction Winner,

    1. Log in to the Web Portal and click the Units tab.
    2. From the Units page, find the unit which needs to be auctioned.
    3. Click on that unit.
    4. From the Unit Details page, click Auction Unit.
    5. From the Auction Unit form, click Auction Winner.
    6. Complete the Name, Email, and Phone details of the winner.
    7. Click the Role drop-down list and select Tenant (or another auction-winning role type).
    8. Click the Expiration Type drop-down list and select Date or Unlock Count.
    9. Click the Date field and select the expiration date for when the auction winner must remove the contents of the unit by. Or. choose the number of opens the auction winner has to remove the contents of the unit. 
    10. Click Submit.

    The user is now assigned access to the unit. A * unlock remaining until auction access expires note or time count remaining until auction access expires note is displayed.

    Repeat these steps for all units that were auctioned.

    Remember, after the above Auction process is completed, make sure that you leave the original tenant in the PMS after the auction sale.
    Do not vacate the unit until the Auction winner has cleared the contents and/or the timeframe has expired.
    The only reason the auction winner can have access to this unit is that the Nokē Smart Entry system is reading the delinquent/auctioned status from the PMS.

    Once the unit is vacated in the PMS, we remove all assigned users, assume the unit is ready to rent again and restore manager access to the available unit.

    After assigning both selections, Allow Employee Access and Auction Unit, there will be an option to Unassign from Auction. This button can be used to revert the unit to the tenant and state that it was in before the auction process started. 

    After both options (Allow Employee Access and Auction Unit) there will be an option to Reassign Auction Access where the unit can be re-auctioned or given new employee access. 

    Note: New users (Auction Winner and Allow Employee Access) can be assigned before the access of the original assignment has been used up or the date has passed. In this case, the new user will receive access to the unit for her newly assigned access type, and the old user's access will be revoked. 


    Permission Needed

    • Manage Auction

    Contact an administrator to add permission to your role type, if needed.

    Note:  In order for assigned employee access to work correctly, the permission Open Repossessed Units must be removed from the assigned user’s role type.


    For more information, click below:

    Understanding Digital Keys

    Transferring a Tenant to Another Unit