Deleting a Non-Tenant User

How to delete an employee account or a vendor account so that they no longer have access to your facility.

Occasionally, you will need to delete an employee account from the Nokē Smart Entry system.

Note: Deleting a user in this way can only be done for non-tenant users (employees and service or vendor users.) Tenants cannot be deleted in this way, tenants must be removed from a unit via the PMS which will make them inactive.

To delete an account,

  • From the Web Portal, click the Users tab.

  • From the list of available users, click the user that needs to be deleted.

  • From the User details page, click the (trash) icon in the top-right corner.

  • Click Delete to confirm the deletion and remove the user and all access from your facility.


For more information, click below:

Adding or Deleting a Unit From an Access Zone
Sharing Access to Units with Facility Managers/Employees