Understanding the Activity Tab

An Overview of the Activity Tab in the Web Portal and the information that is displayed there

Activity Tab

The Activity page displays all the comings and goings (and more) occurring at your facility. By default, this page filters to the last 24 hours. 

Activity Filters

The top column on this page offers a series of filters to refine the displayed information according to your preferences.

These filters include: 

Filter by Activity Type: 

To customize the types of activities you see (such as locks, unlocks, failed unlocks, etc.) simply choose the Filter by Activity Type dropdown. The available Activity Types are determined by permissions. 

A few of the most common activity types or Actions are defined below:

  • Locked:  A smart unit was locked.
  • Unlocked:  A smart unit or entry point was unlocked by one of the following:
    • Phone:  A smart unit or entry point was unlocked from the tenant's mobile app.
    • Fob:  A smart unit or entry point was unlocked by a fob.
    • Access Code:  An entry point was unlocked or opened by entering a code into a keypad.
    • Manually:  A smart unit was unlocked without a fob or the app being used. Most often, this occurs with Nokē Volt units when the emergency release button is pressed.
  • Failed Unlock: An attempt to unlock failed for one of the following reasons:
    • Invalid Access Code:  An incorrect code was entered into the keypad at an entry point.
    • Out of Schedule:  A tenant tried to access the facility after scheduled gate hours.

Filter by Date:

Adjust the date range of activity you wish to view by selecting the Filter by Date drop-down. By default, the date range is set to 24 hours, but you can change it to Last Week, Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last Year, or specify a custom timeframe. 

Filter by Unit(s): 

Use the Filter by Units drop-down to modify and filter the units for which you want to view activity.

Filter by Entry Point(s): 

Click on the Filter by Entry Point(s) drop-down to change and filter which entry points' activity you want to see. 

Filter by User(s): 

Utilize the Filter by User(s) drop-down to adjust and filter the users whose activity you want to view.

Table Columns

The Activity table presents information in the following format: 


The first column of the Activity table displays the name of the User who performed the action. 


The second column of the Activity table shows the Action that was performed. 


In the third column of the Activity table, the name of the Device where the action was performed is displayed (i.e. the entry point or unit).


The last column of the Activity table showcases the Date and Time when the action was performed. 

Icon Colors

Each row item has a green icon for unlock, a red icon for locks, and a blue icon for miscellaneous actions like share creation, user confirmation, or password updates. 

A yellow icon with a person wearing a headset indicates that a Nokē Support Representative completed this action.

Clicking on an individual row provides further details about the user who performed the action. 

Depending on your role's permission, you can export this page by clicking the down arrow in the top right-hand corner. 


The icons in the top-right corner are displayed based on your permission level, so you may have access to all or only some of these icons. 

From right to left, the three horizontal lines icons is the Show/Hide Filters icon, which displays throughout the Nokē Smart Entry Web Portal and allows you to open or close a filter banner for sorting and filtering the activity at your facility,

The down-pointing arrow is the Export Activity icon (which requires Export Activity permission). This icon appears throughout the portal wherever exporting is available. Activity exports can be made in PDF or CSV formats.

When you click the down-arrow icon, a new pop-up will prompt you to select your desired format. If you choose "Export as PDF," the file will be downloaded directly from your browser onto your computer.

If you choose "Export as Email," the files are exported as a CSV on our system's backend and sent to you via email. If you have access to multiple facilities within your company, selecting "Export as Email" allows you to export activity from the facility you are currently logged into, as well as any other facility you have access to.

Once you have chosen the facilities for which you want the activity, select the "Export" button. A pop-up will inform you that the activity is being sent via email. 

If you don't receive the email within a few minutes, make sure to check your spam folders.

Lastly, the eye icon inside a folder represents the Manage Views feature. You can use the Manage Views icon to save the activity views that you frequently use.

If you want to see more about the Manage Views feature, see our Knowledge Base article.

Managing Saved Activity Views

Required Permissions: 

  • View User Activity
  • Export Activity

For more information, click below:

Switching to Another Facility

Click below to view tutorial(s):

How to Review the Web Portal for Follow-Up Tasks