Using the Remote Open Widget

What the Remote Open widget is and how to use it.

One of the dashboard widgets available to you is Remote Open.

This widget is how you can open entry points for customers or employees. 

If the option to Open is greyed out, that means that the unit is offline and is therefore unreachable by the Nokē Smart Entry system.

Pressing the icon in the top right corner of the widget will refresh the information for the entry points. 


If the entry point is online and reachable by the Nokē Smart Entry system, the Open button will not be grayed out.

Certain Entry points will just show the 'Open (no dropdown)' based on certain requirements of the device (see below for more information on those requirements). This option will open the entry point for a short time and then close the entry point. This is most often used to let someone in who is at the gate and needs quick access.

Clicking the 'Open (with dropdown)' button will open up a list of options that are available.

Hold Open Options 

Quick Open:

This option will open the entry point for a short time and then close the entry point. This is most often used to let someone in who is at the gate and needs quick access.


Hold Open:

This option will open the entry point and will keep the entry point open indefinitely until a Close option is selected in the same widget.


Set a Time:

This option will open the entry point for a specified amount of time.


Set a Schedule:

This option will let you set a specified date and time to open and close the entry point (including the option for setting a 'Repeating Schedule').

Repeating Schedule

When setting a 'Repeating Schedule' you have the option to repeat 'Daily', 'Weekly',  or 'Monthly'

If the Schedule is set as 'Daily', the schedule will start and end at the set times, every day. 

If the Schedule is set as 'Weekly', the system will use the day of the week of the initial Start Date and will repeat on that day of the week each week. As an example, if your Start Date is set to start on Friday, June 23, the system will use Friday as the day for your repeating schedule (i.e. if you started something on a Thursday, it would repeat weekly on a Thursday). 

If the Schedule is Set as 'Monthly', the system will use the date of the month of the initial Start Date and will repeat on that date of the month (i.e. if you set it to start on the 11th then the schedule would be repeated on the 11th of the month, each following month).

'Use Expiration Date' when selected will allow you to choose a date for this repeating schedule to end.

To access your currently set Repeating Schedules:

  • Go to the 'Entries' tab.
  • Click on the 'View All Repeating Schedules' icon located in the top-right corner.
  • From this page, you can edit and/or delete any of the Repeating Schedules.

deleting repeating schedules

Permission Needed

  • Remote Open

Contact an administrator to add this permission to your role type, if needed.


There are some requirements necessary to see the Remote Open widget as one of the available options.

  • The facility needs to have an entry point set.
  • Users need the Remote Open permission assigned to their role type.
If these selections are not visible, please reach out to an administrator to grant permission for your role type.

Further requirements are as follows:

NokePad (3K) - Firmware Version needs to be at least equal to or greater than BLE 3.2

NokeVolt (3E) - Firmware Version needs to be at least equal to or greater than BLE 4.18 and the voltage has to be wired and above 15000V.

NokeVolt (2E) - Firmware Version needs to be at least equal to or greater than BLE 3.37 and the voltage has to be wired and above 150000V.

If you have questions about your devices and remote open, contact Nokē Smart Entry Support for help.


For more information, click below:

Mastering the Virtual Walk-Thru Checklist

Customizing the Dashboard